* Guilford Township’s Annual Meetings are on the second Tuesday in April. Per 60 ILCS 1/30-205, any group of registered voters may request an advisory question of public policy for consideration by the electors at the Annual Meeting by giving written notice of the specific advisory question to the Township Clerk no later than March 1 prior to the Annual Meeting. The request must be relevant to powers granted to electors under the Township Code.
   Any matter or proposal not set forth in the published Agenda shall not be considered at the Annual Meeting other than advising that the matter may be considered at a Special Meeting of the electors at a later date. See 60 ILCS (Illinois Compiled Statutes) 1/30-20 for the powers granted to electors.

IMRF is now required by law to post information on their website regarding public bodies that participate in the fund. This includes links to various resolutions as well as past and projected contributions for those public bodies.  Beginning January 1, 2021, any public body that participates in IMRF and has a website, must provide a link on its website to that information.  This does not mandate that the public body create a website.  This only applies if the public body has a website currently.
The IMRF URL which must be linked, for those with a website, can be found below:

License reminder SPRINGFIELD –  To receive notices electronically, visit cyberdriveillinois.com and follow directions on the website.

Guilford Township Receives Dividend from TOIRMA… The Township Officials of Illinois Risk Management Association (TOIRMA) has voted to pay a dividend. To be eligible, members must have been in the TOIRMA Program for the previous five consecutive years.
TOIRMA is a self-funded intergovernmental pool established to provide coverages exclusively for Illinois townships that are members of the Township Officials of Illinois.